Building Contractors Insurance
Get the right insurance and get on site!
What is included with a building contractors insurance policy?
A building contractors insurance policy is a bit of an umbrella term. The reality is that cover can be provided for a few or as many different aspects of your business as you need. Buying a building contractors insurance with Real Insurance means buying adequate protection for those things that you do want to cover, without paying for other protection that you don’t need.
Typically, you can break down the types of cover that a building contractor may need into a list of most likely to be needed:
Building contractors public liability insurance – Protecting you from the costs of claims made by members of the public. It’s highly likely that your client will want to see evidence of public liability insurance before you start work – and in many cases it may be a contractual obligation.
Building contractors employers liability insurance – Protecting you from claims of loss, injury or illness brought against you by an employee. It is a legal obligation to have employers liability in place if you have people working for you – even if as casual labour.
Building contractors vehicle insurance – You’ll undoubtedly have a van or some other vehicle that you use in the day to day running of the business. Naturally, that will need insuring like any other vehicle in order to get on the road. You can include insuring your vehicle within a policy.
What else should a building contractor consider when buy an insurance policy?
In addition to these core covers, there are a number of further covers that you may wish to think about.
Contractors all risks insurance – While you’re working on site, there’s always the danger of the site hut, your materials, tools or equipment being damaged or stolen. Additionally, the structure youre working on itself could be damaged in some way, leading to re-work for you, at your own time and expense. A contractors all risks’ policy can be a convenient way of protecting yourself against any costs arising should situations like this arise.
Buildings insurance – It may well be that you have a store, yard, or workshop that you operate the business out of. These could represent significant business assets. You can protect the building itself as any contents from fire, damage and theft.
There is a whole range of further covers that you may wish to consider including tools, owned and hired in plant. Whatever your particular needs are, we can help.
Talk to Real Insurance Brokers today
Real insurance Brokers is a well established, independent insurance broker. We’ve been arranging insurance cover for businesses in the construction trade for years. We understand your needs and will be able to get a range of quotes from a host of leading UK insurers for you to choose from.
Going through Real Insurance Brokers gives you the peace of mind that you’ve chosen your cover from a wide range of appropriate options.