Enquiry Form

  • Fair Presentation

    If you are a business insured (i.e., an insured who has bought insurance wholly or mainly for purposes related to their trade, business, or profession) the business has a duty to make a fair presentation of the risk to the insurer. This entails disclosing to the insurer every material circumstance which you know or ought to know. You should conduct a reasonable search to ascertain all material facts within your organisation, making enquiries of senior management and other relevant individuals where necessary.

    You must make accessible to us members of your senior management (or the most appropriate persons) to provide accurate, complete, and timely information to enable us to fulfil our obligations to make a fair presentation of your risk to insurers.

    The disclosure should be made in a clear and accessible way.

    This duty to make a fair presentation applies before your cover is placed, when it is renewed and any time that it is varied. Your policy wording may also provide that this duty continues for the duration of the policy.

    A circumstance is material if it would influence an insurer’s judgment in determining whether to accept the risk, or the terms of the insurance (including premium). If you are in any doubt whether a circumstance is material, we recommend that it should be disclosed.

    Failure to disclose a material circumstance may entitle an insurer to impose different terms on your cover or proportionately reduce the amount of any claim payable. In some circumstances an insurer will be entitled to avoid the policy from inception and in this event any claims under the policy would not be paid.

    By completion and submission of this form, you confirm that you have read and understood your duty to provide a fair presentation.

    Please complete as much detail as possible. Certain fields are mandatory
    Vendor Dual Insurance: If you are selling your products to many of the USA’s large chains such as Walmart or other companies you may find there is a requirement to name them as a Dual Insured.
    If you are selling on Amazon your statues with them may require that they are named as an additional insured. We recomend you investigate whether this a requirement.


    Please complete as much detail as possible. Certain fields are mandatory


    Please complete as much detail as possible. Certain fields are mandatory


    Please complete as much detail as possible. Certain fields are mandatory


    Has any Director, Partner or anyone with Significant Control in your business, either personally or in a business capacity, ever been;

  • Thank you for completing the above details...

    A member of our team will be in contact shortly to discuss the above and move your application for cover forward.
    In compliance with Data Privacy Legislation, we request that you provide consent for us to contact you by return with regard to this enquiry.