Window and Door Manufacturers Insurance
For companies who manufacture, Timber, uPVC & Metal Windows and Doors
Window and Door Manufacturers Insurance
Having a window manufacturers insurance policy in place to cover some of the sectors ever advancing technology is essential, providing insurance cover for many of the exposures this type of manufacturing can be exposed to both Property and Liability
Modern window manufacturing materials have come a long way over recent decades, moving on from traditional timber windows and doors, to uPVC in the 1980’s where white seemed almost the compulsory option. With technological advancements, the manufacturing of windows and doors has in many ways become a high tech process which means window and door manufacturers can have some very high investment in the machinery and plant they employ in their business.
Whether your business manufacturer’s traditional timber windows and doors, uPVC in the many fashionable colours, composite doors and systems or the very latest in next generation thermally insulated aluminium, having bespoke insurance in place to protect the business has to be the top of the list of business essentials.
Do I need Insurance for my Window & Door Manufacturing Business
For window and door manufactures insurance give you peace of mind that should the worst happen such as a fire or flood or other loss at the premises, insurance is there to protect. It’s without doubt that the assets of the business need these wide ranging protections.
An insurance is there to ensure that in the event of a loss the business itself doesn’t have to pay for replacing the expensive machinery and equipment used in the business, a timber door and window manufacturer might use traditional mortice machines, planers and saws right through to larger production processes where CNC technology is used. Their uPVC colleagues using accurate cutters, welders and routers there is some high values that need protecting.
Insurance will cover the assets of the business, but can also ensures that in the event of a claim at the business premises that causes an interruption the business can continue even if working there is temporarily halted.
In the fast paced and increasingly litigious business climate Liability such as Public & Products Liability is there to protect your business should you cause any loss or damage to a member of the public, whether that is at your business premises or whilst you are installing.
What cover might be needed on a Window and Door Manufacturers Insurance policy?
Being a premises based business your machinery and plant used is the life blood of the business, without it your business just doesn’t function. Having assets that are expensive to replace usually means that a business doesn’t have its own capital reserves to just replace them and therefore insurance is essential. The insurance is there to cover against losses from the likes of fire, storm, or other perils such as theft for instance.
At Real Insurance we can help you with agreeing the correct sums to insure for as it must not be forgotten that the correct way is to insure for what the replacement value of those machines are. All your business assets must be based in the replacement of the item as new; this also goes for other business equipment such as portable tools or computers and other technology such as office contents.
Sometimes a business can be interrupted due to a claim occurring at the premises, this is referred to as business interruption which can keep your business, in business should the worse happen, after all you will still have overheads and wages to pay even if the premises are closed, due to say a fire.
Usually a window and door manufacturers insurance can include protection of your goods whilst they are being collected from say a supplier or whilst the finished item is transported to a customer or you are going to an installation job, this is referred to as Goods in Transit insurance and is important when goods are being moved around.
Do I need Liability insurance for my manufacturing business?
Whilst there is no actually legal requirement for Public Liability or Product Liability Insurance, it’s the cornerstone of any business protection. It’s important to protect the business against any legal action should there be any damage, loss or injury that the business or an employee causes to a third party, such as a member of the public, this could happen at your own manufacturing workshop or at a customer’s premises.
Product Liability Insurance provides very similar cover to Public Liability but where a product you have made causes damage or injury, this could be a nail that has been left protruding from a door or window that injures someone.
Whilst its quite straight forward that when people work for the business they are usually employed on a PAYE basis, sometimes these people might be self-employed but they also need to be protected from workplace injury and this is where Employers Liability will protect the business from any action that might be taken against.
Sometimes a Window and Door Manufacturer might require skills that need to be employed separately, if you have made a window that is oversized and minimal building or structural work has to take place then a Bona-Fide Sub-Contractor might need to be employed.
How much Liability insurance cover do I need for my business?
This depends on many factors, generally we would always recommend a minimum of £2million, but upward of this is available and £5million is becoming the norm these days on many policies. Much higher limits are available if required; these are usually requested by your employer, that might be a main contractor on a large commercial site where £10million might be the minimum for all contractors.
Employers Liability Insurance will usually always be a minimum of £10million but you can request a higher limit to protect your workforce if required.
What other covers might I need for my business?
Having already covered some of the key Window & Door Manufactures insurance covers, more protections are available.
Getting from A to B – Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance is available to protect your business vehicles whether just one vehicle or where you have two or more a mini-fleet is available making the administration of the business transport simple.
Hired in Plant – sometimes a business might need to hire in plant where they don’t have their own, small scaffold towers, saws for cutting through brick, a lifting genie or Acro’s when replacing or installing lintels. It’s usually the hirer’s responsibility to insure them.
Own plant insurance – just like Hired in Plant Insurance, it protects plant, machinery and tools whilst on site or being transported.
Materials at site – for Window & Door Manufactures that mainly manufacture for commercial premises or contracts such as new builds, refurbished properties etc you may need to leave the windows or doors on the site, this is where Contract Works insurance will provide protection should they be stolen or there is a fire before you officially hand over the completion note.
Other protections to include:
Directors & Officers Liability – protecting the Directors & Officers against wrongful acts.
Commercial Legal Expenses – Employment disputes, VAT & IR dispute protection.
Cyber Insurance – Business protection against cyber criminals and crime.
Why choose Real Insurance for your Window and Door Manufacturing Insurance?
At Real Insurance we pride ourselves in listening to what our customers need, we can help our clients to arrive at the correct cover they need for their business.
When you speak with our teams you will be speaking with individuals that have been in the industry for many years. We work with specialist insurers that understand your business and guide you through the many business insurance options available to you.