Subcontractor Insurance
Get contractors insurance quotes with Real Insurance
Contractor and Subcontractor insurance from Real Insurance Brokers
If you work as a bona fide subcontractor, under your own direction and providing tools and materials for the job, you almost certainly need your own insurance. Get contractors insurance quotes from Real Insurance Brokers today!
Subcontractors insurance can be designed to accommodate subcontractors working in a range of industries from IT to construction and just about anything in between. Typically, the key element is subcontractor public liability insurance. This protects you, as a subcontractor, from claims made by third parties that they have suffered injury, loss, or worse as a result of your business activity. Subcontractors public liability insurance isn’t a legal requirement, but you should consider the risk, both financially and by reputation, should a claim be brought against you, even if ultimately you’re deemed not to have been at fault.

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Who needs Subcontractor Insurance cover?
There are, ordinarily, two types of subcontractor; labour only and bona fide subcontractors. Usually, if you are labour only, you will be deemed to be an employee or working under the direction of the main contractor and should be covered by their insurance. But you should check that this is the case.
For bona fide subcontractors, having insurance cover in place is likely to be a condition of your agreement with any main contractor. It’s likely that they will want certain levels and types of protection in place and want to see evidence that you have taken out cover.
One of the benefits of working with an insurance broker like Real is that we can help you to understand your requirements better, and outside of those stipulated by your main contractor, we can advise you on what else you should consider to be properly protected.
Useful add-ons to consider when buying subcontractors insurance…
We’ve already touched upon the fact that, as a bona fide subcontractor, you may well supply your own tools and materials to do the work. It might well be that you also have a vehicle or two that you use in the course of your work.
If your vehicle was broken into and tools and material were stolen, it could cost you a significant amount just to get back onto the job in hand. All of these can be insured at the point of buying subcontractor insurance too, ensuring you are adequately protected from all potential mishaps.
Why arrange your subcontractor insurance through Real Insurance Group?
We can offer professional advice about the types of cover that you may be legally required to have as well as those that are likely to have a material relevance to your business, meaning you get the peace of mind that comes from knowing an advisor has looked over your requirements with you.
We have access to a range of products from a host of leading UK insurers. That means choice and flexibility in terms of the cover that is available to our clients.
We’re not a call centre. You’ll speak with a real person each time you deal with us and know us by name. You won’t be put on hold or transferred to another department.
Where you find yourself needing to make a claim, we understand that having the reassurance that comes from knowing you have a broker on your side means less stress. So, why not pick up the phone or send us your information through now? We’re happy to discuss your subcontractor insurance needs and get a range of contractor quotes for you to choose from.