Shop Insurance
Retail shop insurance tailored to your business
Why do I need shop insurance for my retail business?
If you own or manage a retail business of any sort, you could benefit from a shop insurance package whch can be tailored to provide cover for all aspects of your business. Premises, contents, stock as well as public and employers liability can all be included, along with a host of ‘extras’ depending on your partcular requirements.
Shop insurance can be provided for where you retail goods or where you offer a service – for example a hairdressers. The exact types and levels of cover can be flexed as appropriate to your needs, meaning you get the adequate protection that you need without paying for cover you dont require.
You need shop insurance in place to protect you from costs arising as a result of something going wrong. It could be a theft or a flood at your premises that sees stock and content damaged or stolen. It could be a claim brought by a member of the public that states that they have suffered injury, illness or loss as a consequence of your business activities. Sometimes its a simple as a customer slipping on a freshly mopped floor and hurting themselves. Having the rght shop insurance policy in place gives you the peace of mind that you’re covered for a range of hazards, meaning you can get on with the business of selling your goods and services!
What is Shop Insurance?
Shop insurance is really something of a catchall term. The idea is to provide a range of policies, as required by your particular retail business, under a single, easy to administer policy. Buying a packaged shop insurance policy this way not only cuts down on administration (trying to remember various renewal dates and potentially dealing with a multtude of insurers) but it can also be a more cost effective way to buy your insurance.
What is covered by a shop insurance policy?
Well, no two shops are exactly the same. An excellent policy for one might have huge gaps if used by a different shop, or might be inappropriate in other ways. Fish and chip shop insurance places a great deal more emphasis on fire cover than insurance tailored for an aquarium pet store. Similarly, if you run a newsagent, you’re probably most concerned about opportunist theft of desireable goods such as cigarettes and alcohol as well as cash being taken from the till. If you run a jewellery shop, you’re likely to have some high value items that need to be reflected in your stock cover.
Many shop owners choose to go to a skilled insurance Broker such as Real Insurance. We can help determine exactly what type and level of cover might be appropriate, as well as source a range of quotes.
All that being said, there are some key cover types that typically crop up as part of a shop insurance policy:
Why should I choose Real Insurance for my shop insurance?
Real Insurance Brokers have many years of experience helping shop owners find cover that meets all of their insurance needs without cutting into profits.
Going through Real Insurance Brokers gives you the peace of mind that you’ve chosen your cover from a wide range of appropriate options.